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Managing a Brand Page: What Tools Are Helpful?

Social media has become one of the biggest marketing tools in the modern age of advertising. Any brand that doesn’t capitalize on this online power is practically shooting itself in the foot. That’s why social media managers have gotten such a demand in the latest ad roles. With moderating a brand’s page (especially cross-platform accounts) and all the analytics, monitoring, and engagement that follows, it can be a daunting task for one person if they aren’t using the right tools. Any brand or agency should make use of these helpful applications:

Social media archivers

Social media archiving tools have become some of the most important in a social media manager’s toolbox because they allow you to “keep receipts,” as coined by the new generation of social media dwellers. They allow you to see all data related to your page in real-time, with every iteration saved for your reference whenever you need it. This means that even when posts are edited or comments are deleted, you can keep track of it and be able to find the source. It also allows you to keep track of the keywords you set. You can see if offenders are sharing inappropriate or sensitive information on your pages and catch spamming and repetitive content. You can even filter results to find specific data from any material no matter how long ago it may have been or what version of the social media site it was on. With today’s social media landscape, it’s become crucial to have these resources to ensure data protection, brand reputation management, and even viable legal defense.

Analytics tracker

Analytics are a valuable resource for marketers because this helps determine what kind of content works and how best to pull in the target demographic. Getting a breakdown of Key Performance Indicators in the online world can be the guiding factors that allow a marketing campaign to reach its stride and have a streamlined trajectory. While various social media platforms offer basic analytics for their users nowadays, you can make use of an analytics tracking hub so that you can see your results for different sites from one place. It can help you manage how you’re doing in terms of search engine optimization. Because analytics plays such an important role in brand strategy, it’s smart to invest in in-depth results that can make tracking much more efficient.


calendar planner Constant content is a must these days to keep an audience’s attention and filter through the vast amount of media consistently being exposed to web surfers scrolling for most of the day. With the need to reply to posts and have a set upload schedule with relevant content, it may be hard to keep things up, especially as a page grows and receives more engagement. Most social networking sites offer a queueing function that allows users to set posts and schedule their uploads. Although, it may be wise to have a single resource where you schedule everything straight from your content calendar and edit and upload accordingly. This is especially helpful if you need to collaborate with writers, digital artists, and brand execs who are approving everything and asking for revisions right before the deadline. Navigating the intricacies of social media to benefit a brand doesn’t have to be that tricky if you have the right resources to come through with the best strategy.
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