In Good Hands: Knowing the Basics of Hand Modeling
Naomi Campbell, Lily Aldridge, Gisele Bundchen, and Miranda Kerr—these names surely ring a bell. They have graced the covers of some of the most prominent fashion magazines in the world. They have stunned everyone as they walk on the runway. They live a glamorous life as models. And when you look at them, you will realize that their common denominator is always pronounced—they have gorgeous faces, and they have good physiques.
That’s the thing about modeling; people often think that it is all about faces and physiques. But the world of modeling is larger than it seems and far more diverse that one could imagine. Ever seen a campaign for jewelry, toys, and kitchen appliances? These ads could look good because of high-end jewelry retouching services. But the clean, gorgeous hands showcasing the products also contribute to the success of the campaign. There is such a thing called hand modeling, which is part of the larger whole that is parts modeling.
Here are some interesting facts about hand modeling.
Hand models frequently appear in beauty campaigns, such as make-up, nail polish, and bag ads. And as mentioned, these products require slender hands. Beautiful nails further enhance slender hands. Some agencies and photographers require bare hands, meaning the model should not apply nail polish. This means that they will always go for models that have good nail beds.
Hand models make a lot of money
Just like the usual models that appear in the runway, hand models also make loads of money, depending on the project they are taking on. But usually, hand models can earn one thousand dollars per project. There are insane projects that pay more—some even get paid up to tens of thousand dollars. Some hand models work part-time to earn extra income. But some have made a career out of it. Being a freelancer allows you to take on multiple projects, which in turn doubles your earning potential.They model a wide range of products
Hand models model a wide variety of products. Starters often model simple items, such as toys, home appliances, and make-ups. And each product requires a specific set of hand qualities and characteristics. If you are modeling toys, your hand may be small, which gives the impression that the kid is holding the item. Power tools require thicker hands to exemplify experience. And of course, beauty items, such as makeup and nail polish, require slender hands.Nails are some of their assets