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Roofing 101: Combinations for Greener, Prettier Homes

RoofWhen you’re thinking about changing the roofing on your current home or building a new roof from scratch, it’s important that you remember the 30% rule that home designers employ. Essentially, your roof makes up 30% of the house’s outside aesthetic value, which means it should complement the walls which makes up 60%. Here are some great design tips to help you start choosing the look, material and colour roof tiles Perth companies such as has to offer:
• Traditional-looking homes shouldn’t have very colourful roofs

With some exceptions, most traditional homes should not have stand-out roofs. This is because most of these houses are very old and bright-coloured roofs look old faster compared to their muted counterparts.

• Always choose materials that fit your climate

The function of a roof is that it should protect your house from the elements. It should be able to keep out the rain, block out harsh UV rays and siphon off excess temperature. The colour of your roof should indicate what you want your home to feel like. A light-coloured roof reflects light and heat, cooling your home. Dark colours absorb light and heat and is more suitable for homes in cold climate.

• Uncoordinated and loud colours can make your home look small and too busy

People always want a home that can be relaxing. If your walls and roof have too much contrast and non-traditional colouring, buyers or visitors may think that your home is actually quite small and not pleasing to look at.

• Don’t forget to ask about roofing codes

No matter how many roof tiles Perth market has to offer, if your village or subdivision code doesn’t allow a certain colour to maintain the image of the community then you can’t have that colour. It helps narrow down your selection when you can choose only from a few colours.

Your roof has to complement the rest of the house, unless your house is more roof than wall. Neutral colours are always a safe pick but bolder colours can do more than call attention to your home.
designed by teslathemes