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Advance Healthcare Directive Myths

Death & Legal Documents: Top 6 Myths About Advance Directives

Advance Healthcare Directive MythsMany adults delay planning their advance directives, not only because they’re reluctant about facing the reality of death, but also because of the many conflicting myths regarding proper planning. Here are some of those myths debunked:
  • Myth #1 – Advance directives are only for sick and old individuals.

Not true. The stakes might be higher for younger individuals in case of untimely death.
  • Myth #2 – There’s only one exclusive form of “Power of Attorney.”

Again, this is false. Many patients think that because they have a power of attorney for their financials, it also counts as a power of attorney when it comes to medical matters. They’re separate documents that could sometimes be combined into a more comprehensive legal document, with help from a lawyer.
  • Myth #3 – An advance healthcare directive means “Do Not Treat.”

False. Essentially, advance healthcare directives state specifically how you want to be treated.
  • Myth #4 – When you appoint a healthcare proxy in your advance healthcare directive, you would automatically lose control of your own healthcare.

Not true. As long as you are still considered of sound mind and body and capable of making decisions, you are still in control of your own healthcare decisions.
  • Myth #5 – Healthcare providers, including your primary physician, aren’t legally obliged to follow your advance healthcare directive.

Not true. Under the law, they should follow every single thing you stated in your directive. There have been cases, however, where they failed to follow a patient’s wishes because they didn’t know the patient had an advance healthcare directive. The lesson here is that you must inform relevant people in your life when planning to create your advance healthcare directive.
  • Myth #6 – You would need an attorney to create your advance healthcare directive.

False again. According to funeral homes in Roy, you should check with your local council for specific state requirements. It’s crucial to note that advance healthcare directives are completely legal in all states, but laws differ significantly from one state to another. Sudden illness and accidents don’t discriminate and could happen to anyone regardless of age, race, and gender. Therefore, no matter how old you are, considering that you’re an adult, don’t let these misconceptions stop you from planning your own advance healthcare directive as early as now.
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