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How Much Do Commercial Cleaners Charge for Their Services?

Woman carrying cleaning solutionsWhen planning a budget for commercial cleaners, one thing to note is how companies charge their clients for the services rendered. If your office is in Utah, the cost of janitorial services will depend on several factors. Some of these include the size of your business space, the frequency of cleaning, and any specialized work required. ProKleen shares some insights on this matter.

Fee Inclusions

The supply and demand in your area will affect the rate, as more professional cleaners and less demand would mean lower rates to lure customers. But that doesn’t mean you should take any great deal that comes your way. If you only have a small office, you can expect to pay at least $20 for each visit. The service includes simple tasks, such as vacuuming and emptying trash bins. The price goes higher for more frequent visits, so it’s better to work out a fair contract and negotiate a fixed rate. Some service providers charge their clients based on the size of the office (square footage). Those with bigger spaces may cost up to $2,000 per month for extensive cleaning work.

Special Cleaners

Even if you have an in-house cleaner, there would still be a time when you need to hire a cleaning specialist. Window cleaning, for instance, needs some form of skill due to the risks involved, especially for high-rise buildings. You should shop for rates from at least three service providers before choosing one. The cost may be lower if you can provide cleaning equipment and supplies, which would then only require you to pay for the labor. You could save money by negotiating a deal with professional cleaners who will visit your office regularly, instead of having to spend money only when the need for janitorial services arises. Small businesses may benefit from outsourcing this type of job rather than hiring a full-time janitor.
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