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3 Key Traits of a Good Accountant

Good accountant workingAre you ready to get a full-time accountant for your small business? Sometimes, the search can take a while but it will be worth it. If you are looking for an accountant here in Salt Lake City for your small business, focus on these key traits.

Find an accountant you can understand

Lawyers, doctors, accountants, IT professionals, these are just a few of the people who have their own work jargon. And sometimes, no matter how much we try, we cannot understand them. You need to work with an accountant who can explain to you tax laws, numbers, and other accounting details in words that you can understand. Also, you would want to work with an accountant you have a good rapport with.

Find an accountant who is also proactive about money saving

The best accountants are the ones who do more than just manage your financial accounts. They go beyond their normal duties and advise you on where you can save some dollar and even protect your business’ financial health. You would want to work with an accountant who can help you keep overhead costs low through tax deductions you can definitely redeem.

Find an accountant who is good at answer small business questions

Find someone who shares the same zest for entrepreneurship. This type of accountant is your best ally when it comes to safeguarding and managing your business’ financial health and future. Some accountants are not as good as managing small business accounts. So find someone who specializes in small and medium-size businesses. Sometimes, finding the right accountant for you can take time. So do not be afraid to ask your colleagues for referrals for good accountants. It is better to wait for the right fit rather than ending up dreading your meetings with your accountant as though you have dental anxiety.
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