Winning While Waiting: Quick Victories for your SEO Game

Search engine optimization is a long-term investment and one that typically does not produce results immediately. Rookies and veterans in the digital sphere want one thing: quick and visible solutions.
If you’re the type who wants to get things done, the fact that SEO takes time can be frustrating. You want your strategies to work, but the waiting game fails to satisfy your want for an impact now. Rather than find a shortcut, you wait in frustrated silence.
Fortunately, there are a few SEO techniques that prove to your clients that you’re the real deal now, which also brings values to your expertise.
Optimizing Existing Content
For the
Standard Examiner’s marketing team, it’s easier to improve the rankings of a strong page that alreadys exists compared to getting a poorly ranking page to rank on the search engine results pages.
Since the biggest bumps in traffic occur when you reach the top three results, focus on content ranked in positions 3 to 10. Another way to see big gains within a limited time period is by improving bounce rates or building on converting pages.
Bag Winning Featured Snippets
A featured snippet spot has a huge impact, encouraging organic traffic to a page. While there’s no guarantee that it will get featured in the quick answer box, there’s a simple formula for content optimization.
Go to the Google Search Console and search rankings for queries containing questions such as “why,” “how,” or “what.” After listing keyword phrases, check the search volume and focus on the keywords with the highest searches. If you’re not ranking for question-related keywords, think of simple questions you can answer and create content around it.
Improving Converting Pages
Just because your page is converting doesn’t mean you should stop improving. Look at Google Analytics to determine page conversions. The Search Console also finds keywords that drive traffic to a specific page. If you want to see top-converting keywords, look at top-paid campaigns.
While SEO takes time to produce results, these strategies show quick value. Included are just a few opportunities, but
there are more techniques out there. How about you? What are some of your quick-result techniques?