What is the Connection Between Social Media and Recruitment?

A Way to Land a Job
About 29% of employers found something positive that made them offer the candidate a job. It’s imperative, therefore, to project a good image on social media accounts. You need to ensure a complete profile, especially in LinkedIn. You need to display relevant information such as employment history, education or even achievements. Above all, maintain a professional profile with the right posts and membership in career-related groups. This way, you could grow your network and receive updates on opportunities relevant to your goals. A good headshot could also do the trick; in fact, about 41% of employers judge a candidate’s photo before they set any interviews.A Way to Jeopardise Your Application
Roughly 34% of hiring managers found negative content that drove them to scratch the candidate’s name off their lists. Specifically, 45% dropped the candidate after seeing posts about drinking or drug use. They also steered clear of candidates who demonstrated poor communication skills, criticised former employers, or said discriminatory remarks. If you’re looking for a job, it’s best to take down photos that potential employers may view as unprofessional. Keep in mind that you’re in competition with other qualified, competent individuals. Sometimes, your experience and credentials may not be enough to stand out. And in this digital era, the persona you project on social media can help attract attention for all the right or wrong reasons.
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posted by Inputs-Outputs on Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 at 1:00 am in Uncategorized
tags: Job Hunt, Social Media