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Sushi Rolling on the Land Down Under: Loving Asian Dishes

Sushi Served in AustraliaAsian cuisine was probably last on the list of preferences for Aussies born in the 1940s. But today, noodles and sushi are definitely a favourite for some. The average Australian’s diet has changed significantly since World War II. While the old staples remain, foreign influences are present here and there. Before, majority of the noticeable changes came from Southern Europe — Italy, in particular. With all the pastas and the pizzas, Italy has made its mark on the Land Down Under. Asian food, on the other hand, struggled to make its way into the Australian household diet — but it’s starting to become a fixture.

The Challenge of Going Asian

Australian understanding of Asian cuisine can be tricky. For example, lemon chicken and beef in black bean sauce are modified versions of Chinese cuisine compared to those found in China. Other dishes such as century eggs and chicken feet, on the other hand, have never caught up with the Australian palate. Chopstix, a local noodle house, says that the idea of preparing noodles familiar to the average Australian is different compared to how the Chinese prepare their food. Still, the simplicity of Asian cuisine remains an important factor in Australia’s acceptance of its dishes.

Preparing Asian Cuisine at Home

Despite the varying degrees of difficulty, one of the most beautiful things about Asian dishes is the preparation. Chinese food, for example, is easier compared to Thai, Japanese, and Indian food. Its simplicity is what makes it appealing for mass consumption. Since supermarkets never run out of noodles, eggs and the basic ingredients, most Aussies enjoy preparing Chinese dishes. Indian and Thai cuisines prove a challenge because of their special ingredients and complicated cooking techniques. Preparation challenges aside, it’s interesting to see the range of pastes, limes and curries needed for the dish.

The Asian-Australian Love Affair

Australia’s broadening Asian palate offers positive influences on the country’s psyche. A simple Chinese dim sum changes itself to fit the Australian palate perfectly. Then, there are dishes like sushi, which remains the same, but managed to become a common food item in suburban food courts. Despite the westernisation of some Asian food items, the love affair between the two nations and palate choices will remain the same. Australia’s palate has come a long way since the 1940s. Asian cuisine might continue shaping its uniqueness and offer other delectable and memorable dishes.
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