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Strategic Approaches for a Successful Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process in LondonOne of the most resounding changes in the recruiting landscape is the leveling off of the field of talent search between large corporations and SMBs in their quest for quality talent. Money is no longer a pulling factor nor is having a brand name ‘out there’ sufficient enough to rake in the brightest of talent to your company. Nevertheless, the whole subject of talent recruitment and talent acquisition remains.

What does talent acquisition entail?

Talent acquisition involves, besides filling vacant job positions, the utilisation of candidates’ skills. This process necessitates a rigorous recruiting process in the strategic planning for future job placement. You can identify and predict these future openings in your company by precisely analysing the attrition of specific workplace positions, or by carefully studying your company’s succession management plan.

How your approach affects the current recruitment process

Strategic talent acquisition also includes recruiting today for future positions that, presently, do not exist but that you expect to be available at a pre-determined time in the future. Therefore, depending on your future demands for graduate, director or finance recruitment, among others, undertaking this long-term strategic approach will determine the current recruitment process that will best suit your company’s mission.

Talent recruitment

While TA remains a continuous process that is candidate centric, recruitment involves a spontaneous effort to fill vacancies that are currently available, which is a linear process. The recruitment process is generally reactive to the pressing need to urgently fill vacant positions, which, if not conducted professionally, companies can easily compromise on the quality of skills they welcome on board. Most companies grapple with numerous recruiting challenges from time to time when planning for graduate, HR, and even finance recruitment. To avoid such instances, find a recruitment solution that will offer you deep insights and great agility in landing the best talent that matches the skill set you need to fill in your company. With a robust solution, you will make an informed decision whether to recruit or acquire talent.
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