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Key Areas to Outsource and Cut Companies Expenditure

Business outsourcing  on a notebookOutsourcing is a common trend among well-performing companies. In fact, recently, a study indicated that the global outsourcing market is growing at a 10 percent rate per year. Outsourcing involves transferring some of the organization’s functions, activities, and processes from within the organizations to outside service providers. One of the key reasons companies outsource is to focus on their core business and reduce operational costs, thereby creating a competitive edge. The following are some of the most common tasks you could outsource.

Cleaning services

Outsourcing janitorial services in South Jordan saves you money and time. This is because expert janitorial staff can get more done in lesser time. Besides, a professional cleaning company will get optical pricing on supplies, equipment and refillable goods such as toilet papers, hand soap, and towels saving you cost that you would otherwise incur if you hired in-house cleaners. Furthermore, when you outsource janitorial services, you won’t need to incur recruiting, hiring, training and managing costs of employees.

IT operations

Increasingly, the nature of current data is becoming more complex to manage in-house. When you outsource IT services, you not only reduce costs but also offload many infrastructural risks that come with IT complexities. Ultimately, this leaves you enough time to focus on your core business.


With the rising competition across industries, marketing responsibilities become more complex each day. You will need more effectiveness, more leads, more sales and so forth. If you rely on your in-house marketing team to take care of all the companies marketing needs, you might spend your entire budget on payroll and still not have the productivity needed to create that competitive edge. At a lesser-cost than a full-time in-house executive, you can get an entire team of experts if you outsource. When you outsource IT operations, marketing, and janitorial services, you increase operational efficiency, reduce costs and concentrate on your core business. Other tasks you can outsource include data entry, customer care services, and HR services. This is not an exhaustive list though, remember, each business has its unique needs.
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