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Increase Traffic To Your Website By Improving Your Social Media Presence

Creating a social media account for your brand is good, but if you want to get the most out of it, you need to carefully think things through and improve your online presence. It’s not just about posting promos or videos. There’s more to maintaining a social media account. For instance, some think connecting with an influencer is already a guarantee for an increase in conversions and sales. However, if your product or service is not something that everyone regularly uses, like poly mailers for shipping items, no influencer can help increase your sales. You will need social media savvy to ensure that your brand reaches your target market in relevant ways.

5 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence to Generate Traffic for Your Website

1. Choose the right platform.

Since Facebook went public back in 2012, social media has exploded with numerous networks dedicated to connecting people. You need to look for the platforms that are suitable for your line of business, your goals, and your target audience. Among the most popular choices are Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat. But there are also others that you could also consider. Do your research and see if it will help widen your reach significantly.

2. Set goals and objectives.

setting goals Whenever you embark on anything related to your business, you should always have a clear set of goals and objectives. Don’t just create a social media account for the sake of having one. You need to be clear about what your intentions are. Otherwise, you might not get the most of what social media has to offer and your efforts will be wasted.

3. Create a social media strategy.

After having a clear set of goals and objectives, it is time for you to get into some serious planning work for your brand’s social. Who will be part of your social media team? What are their roles and responsibilities? What about the frequency of posts? What does your calendar look like? These and some other things should be discussed and planned carefully if you want your social media accounts to convert to leads and hits.

4. Know who your target audience is.

Generally, a brand’s product determines the target market and audience. If you’re in the business of selling plumbing equipment and supplies, you need to make sure you’re reaching the right audience of contractors, DIY-ers, plumbing services providers, and other similar demographics. Reaching out to a network composed of pregnant women or gamers would only disappoint you. You need to know what your target market’s needs are and help address them. Don’t just keep posting sales posts and promotions. Meet your audience’s needs, don’t just sell products. This will make you relevant to them and if you keep dishing out great quality content that addresses their needs, they will turn to you as a subject matter expert. The key to all this is knowing your target audience intimately.

5. Engage with your audience constantly and consistently.

To have a better online presence, you need to actively engage people on your social. We’re not just talking about automated replies. The only way you can build and foster relationships with people is to connect with them and engage them in your posts. Reply to their comments. Join discussions. Address complaints and criticisms (professionally, of course). Pose and answer questions. Show your appreciation for your followers even if not all of them are customers and clients. Keep the engagement level on your social really high to keep people coming back for more. Don’t waste social media’s potential to increase traffic to your site and generate leads and conversions. Set the right goals, have the right action plan, and use the right metrics. Know your audience and be relevant to them. If you give careful thought to the way you use your social media accounts, if you strategically plan and prepare for it, you will reap the benefits.
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