Four Things to Keep in Mind to Make Account Management Work Easier
A business thrives because of its products and services. But keep in mind that what actually translates these items into money is your clients. You are supposed to make your clients comfortable and pleased, but not spoiled. This is why you will need to make account management work more efficient and effective.
Account management is often taken for granted. Many companies think about it as just simple servicing. But if you come to think of it, it provides your business with a precious opportunity to forge a relationship. If you have a good working relationship with your client, you may get repeat business. More importantly, the client may give you referrals.
Making account management efficient and effective should not be difficult at all. You will need to have a straightforward and specific set of actions. Here are some of the things you may want to keep in mind to make your work much easier:
And since the online methods are being talked about here, it will surely help if you use a workforce platform or software. In this regard, you may decide to use a project management cloud software program. This will allow you to work on your client requirements online—meaning you have the freedom to access the files anywhere and anytime. The same benefits can be given to a client. If they have access to your project, they can track the progress of your services and solutions.
1. Establish a solid workflow
Everything starts with a useful workflow. So what you need to do first is come up with a series or set of instructions or protocols that you will follow when servicing a client. When it comes to establishing a workflow, timing and schedules are always of utmost importance. You will need to make sure that you and your client are always on the same page as far as deadlines are concerned. Your workflow should also depend on the following things: the approval time of your management and the approval time of your client.2. Go online
Servicing clients often requires face-to-face interactions. But this should not always be the case. Reserve your face-to-face meetings for major presentations where data and proposals are needed to be explained thoroughly. Otherwise, you should make use of the online means: email. Minor projects that can be discussed through email threads will save you a lot of time, thus allowing you to redirect your efforts and focus to more important and pressing matters.3. Use a platform or software