3 Great Ideas for Holiday Presents

The holidays are fast approaching. It is the time for gift-giving and sending tokens to people who have touched your life or helped you in one way or another. While food and wine is a great thing to give away, there are more creative ways to come up with presents for your friends and loved ones.
Here are three ideas you can try out:
2017 Calendars
Compile favourite photos taken with family and friends and turn them into a calendar for the coming year. You can choose the photos you want included and go to a printing company to have the calendar printed, says
Woolston Printing. The price is really affordable but you may need to order a minimum number of items. You can have the table-top calendar done or a magnetic one that can stick to the fridge or other magnetic surfaces.
Framed Sketch or Artwork
Personal gifts are more valued and speak volumes about your relationship with the other person. Adult colouring books are very much in demand right now so why not pick a page or a design and colour it. You would be in the best position to know which colours and design is best for the person you will be giving the gift to. Sign it and have it framed and it would make a thoughtful present.
Baked Goodies
If you love to bake, you can come up with a special holiday recipe and give these to your family and friends. Unlike store-bought goodies, you can personalise these and really use premium ingredients to make them taste even better. Stack cookies together and place them in clear plastic bags and tie with a bow. The best thing about making these is that you can eat whatever is left over – nothing goes to waste.
When giving gifts, adding a creative and thoughtful touch always makes them items more special. It’s not about the cost but really the thought behind it that counts.